Inner Space Cavern

inner space cavern4200 S. IH-35

Inner Space Cavern will be offering April 8 eclipse viewing on their site. Rates are $25.99 for each car and driver, plus $25.99 per each additional person. You must call to pay in advance and reserve your spot. Call 512-931-2283 between the hours of 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. (Tours of the cave will not be given during the eclipse, but some tours will be given before and after the eclipse.) $10 discount coupons will be given to be used for tours before or after the eclipse, or for a later date.

Inner Space is a living cave, which means that its formations are continuing to develop and take shape. For over 80,000 years the cavern has been constantly changing, allowing for spectacular displays and breathtakingly beautiful  formations.